Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Know I Should Be Studying

Yeah… I know…midterm on Wednesday…blah, blah, blah.

However, I have a few things to share. First of all, I finished my first paper for my Shakespeare class. I think it is decent. Okay, it might actually be good. Even if I managed to talk about Lady Macbeth's menstrual cycle for a page and a half… Oh, I also used the word "transgendered." This is not your grandmother's Shakespeare.

More importantly, I have to tell about last night. Shlomo and I had tickets to see the national tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. We had no desire to see it. The reviewers had even said it was pretty "chitty." So, we took the opportunity to abandon our plans and have dinner with glass artist Toots Zynsky, a local gallery owner, and a local collector. Shlomo and I are fortunate to own a piece that Toots made. Before I go on about the evening, I will tell you a few things about Toots. She is literally world-renowned. She developed a technique for making vessels out of glass that she has pulled into thread-like structures. Her work is amazing. It is currently featured in exhibits at both the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. She has exhibited in galleries and museums all over the world. She founded Pilchuk with Dale Chihuly and is nothing short of a genius. And, she is nice to boot.

Shlomo and I felt honored to be asked to join her. We have a relatively small collection of glass art at about 15 pieces. It seems like a lot but we know people who have 100+ pieces. We are truly still in the novice category of collecting. The other collector, who shall remain nameless, is in her 80s. She is an amazing woman herself. She was also the only person with a vehicle that would hold all five of us to go to dinner.

We went to the original Ninfa's. (Mama Ninfa, as she was known, is credited with inventing the fajita.) I mean nothing bad when I say this, but it is in the barrio. It is just a fact. It's on the east side of Houston. To get there from our starting location meant two major freeways and some unfamiliar surface roads.

That collector in her 80s…yeah, she insisted that if we took her car she would drive. I have no other way to say this. It was frightening beyond frightening. And, I ride with Shlomo every day. No offense Shlomo…you know I love you…but your ADD does not help your driving skills. You know that's true. When we first pulled out onto the street, she darted between two cars. My life flashed before my eyes. We got lost three times on the way to the restaurant. When we finally did get there, a round of margaritas was ordered for everyone except collector/driver. She had iced tea. I secretly was hoping she would drink, I would abstain and insist on driving home. No one needs a DUI…even if you are in your 80s.

The drive home was no better. Oh, and did I mention that I was in the middle of the backseat on a hump? Yep, one false move and I was flying through that windshield head first. There was no safe route…highways were bad…surface streets were bad. Yep. We went down a one way street the WRONG way. Life flashing, people. Life flashing. Toots asked me if I prayed. I assured her I did. I pointed out I was Jewish, but crossed myself for good measure. Allah, can you hear me? Buddha, I am leaving no stone unturned. Hindu gods, hear my prayer. Jedi knights, guide me home.

We made it. In one piece. But if you drive in Houston, I will say this: if you see a big, honkin' silver Lexus headed down the street in your direction, take cover. I really like collector/driver, but I hope I never have to ride with her again.

Toots then came over to our house for a little plum upside down cake I had made and the three of us talked about art, glass, art glass, literature, politics, families, etc. until past midnight. It is a night Shlomo and I will not soon forget.

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