Monday, January 21, 2008

My Wild Weekend

Given the glorious state of my back, it was pretty calm around our digs. I was pretty much okay if I was standing, lying, or strung out on vicodin. If I could somehow manage to combine the last two, it was as good as it gets.

Let's start with Friday night. Shlomo and I actually went to services at the Temple. Our shabbat was full of shalom. We followed services with a delicious dinner and went home where we enjoyed the greatest movie ever made (and also fulfilled part of my quest to be their number one Fanadu), Xanadu. Yeah. The musical on Broadway was fantastic because it knew it was based on the worst movie ever made. The movie evidently did not realize this. Now, I know why Olivia Newton-John did not have a bigger film career. Yikes.

Saturday was pretty quiet. Shlomo went to a lecture at the Temple. I remained in bed watching HGTV and trying to do a complete turnover of the movies we had rented from Netflix. (For those unfamiliar, you keep a list of movies on their website. They send you three at once. You return one to them, they send a new one to you.) Vicodin and La Vie En Rose with its subtitled French were probably not the best combination. However, Marion Cotillard was brilliant. Hopefully, she will be getting an early phone call in the morning letting her know that the Academy has recognized her work.

Shlomo returned. I drug myself from the confines of the bedroom and we went to a couple of antiques stores and some art galleries. We weren't really looking for anything. As a result, we did not find anything. So unlike us.

With all my strenuous activity for the day, I decided to reward myself with a little Mexican meal at our favorite old-school establishment, Felix's. I know there is probably lard in that queso, but I don't care. It's the closest thing I have found to heaven on a tortilla.

So we were winding down for the night (at 6:45) and decided to stop by the Cookie Jar for a little treat to have later. We walk in and there they are...the Mole, Mole, Moles! They immediately jumped from the table and introduced themselves. We all agreed that it was ridiculous that as often as we see each other, we don't know each other's names. We talked about getting together soon (which should not be that hard as we tend to keep exactly the same schedule, evidently). And now, they are our new BFFs. As a result, you will never again hear me refer to them as the Mole, Mole, Moles. You just can't do that to your besties.

Later, I will share how Shlomo is growing closer to becoming his idol, Cher. I just don't have time at the moment. Can you believe they actually expect me to work?

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