My weekly thoughts...
- So, I did my tax return this morning. It was good. Got a nice refund. It will arrive in about 10 days. Spent said refund (plus some more) on a painting this afternoon. We are out of control with the love of art. I think it is bordering on addiction the likes of which only Peggy Guggenheim has known. I have decided that we need to start offering docent tours of the house. Anyone interested in this non-paid position can apply in the comments section. Here is a photo of the latest addition.

- Shlomo Cher-alike and I have finally caught up on Project Runway. I am so pulling for that little Christian fella. This was amazing. I love avant-garde fashions. That explains my khakis and blue shirt today.

- Heath Ledger. Sad. Tragic. Heath Ledger. However, am I the only one sick of the news coverage? It's all that is on. And by the way, Pat O'Brien on Larry King, he was not a "legendary" actor. He was a good actor. A talented actor. Cary Grant and John Wayne were "legendary." Paul Newman is "legendary." Clearly, you need the scripted dialog of the Insider Entertainment Extra show you are on. End scene.
- I try not to complain about it, but work is really not fun this week. We are expected to stay late every night this week to close the books for year-end. My part is basically done. Still, I am expected to be here late to show I am a team player. Important discovery about myself: I may not be a team player. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. Why is it wrong to want to come in, do my job, go home, and enjoy my life?
- Dirty t-shirt of the week. It made Shlomo and I laugh out loud at our favorite new icehouse. Beaver's...Just South of Hooter's. I know, right?
- I have discovered the reason I got a blackberry. It's not just so I can give Shlomo Cher-alike a taste of his own medicine. Also, M-Dawg and I can email each other complaints about our boss/company without it being on the work servers. Sweet!
I love this painting!!!
Your collection has become truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing!
#1. I couldn't agree more about Heath. I was so offended when they compared him to River. My River. I know River wasn't that great of an actor....YET. He really didn't get the chance to show us his tricks. Heath did, and they were so-so.
#2. I'm not a team player either.
#3. I love that t-shirt! haha!
Great I can't remember the last thing. Oh well. I think I did pretty well, considering it was all from memory.
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