Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Housekeeping Nightmare

In case you did not know, one of my dogs...who I will call Fargo (because that is her name)...has never really housebroken. At best I would say it is 70/30 on when she goes outside. She is nine years old. I have resigned myself to the fact that she will never be perfect. At times, I think it is revenge when she goes in her crate (where most of the accidents occur). At other times, I think she just does not get it.

It never fails. If you leave home for an hour in the middle of a Saturday, there will be a present. But, during the week, she usually does fine. Well, Tuesday night, she left a small present for me when I got home from work.

It just so happened that I was on the phone cheering up my 10-year-old cousin who had missed her first word in the county spelling bee the night before. I told her it was a proud family tradition as I, too, had missed my first word in the county bee after winning the school bee. Yes, we are nerds in my family. So, I gathered the little mess with tissue and placed it in the toilet to dispose of it.

My mother raised me right. I do not flush the toilet while you are on the phone with someone--even if she is ten and loves potty humor. Not to mention, it's a turbo-charged flusher. I am pretty sure our neighbors on the corner know every time we flush. So, I thought, I will finish my conversation (which had now moved to the Food Network...another favorite topic of hers) and get back to this.

Here's the deal. I forgot to get back to this. Normally, it would not be a big deal. Shlomo or I would be the one find it. No such luck. I met a friend for dinner. I told her some of the things we had done to the house recently. She wanted to see them. I invited her back to take a look. She washed her hands in said powder room while she was there.

She left. I went in the powder room to do what it is you do in a powder room. There it was. A little log floating on a nice billowy cloud of tissue. I know she saw it. There was no way to miss it. Instant mortification. I emailed her the next day to explain that, yes, I do flush. She laughed and I am pretty sure she believed me. She should. It's the truth. But seriously, why does stuff like this happen to me? I'm good people.


Tally said...

This is a CLASSIC! A REAL classic!!!! Of course the best part are the last three words. You are a magician with words.

PS. You do realize I'm way past the flushing stage with you right? I have no intention of backtracking, now that we've come this far.

Shan said...

Well Trisha was right your blog is TOO good! I am just now checking in but I feel like totally copying all of your pics on the right side. AWESOME. And the colors are right up my alley! It's like I'm walking around in my kitchen! Ok, I'll stop there but I like to encourage when I can. Good blogging Anchel! I hope I spelled that right-I didn't win at my school.

PCisforPopCulture said...

Thanks, Shan! I don't know if I ever explained it or not, but the pictures on the right side are actually paintings that we have in our home. We love them, so I thought I would share them with the world. By world, I mean my six (or so) readers.