Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Phone Home

So we all know that I am watching How I Met Your Mother this summer as part of my attempt to find some new shows. Clearly, I do not spend enough time watching tv. On one of the episodes today, one of the guys bought a British phone booth. It was supposed to be a ridiculous thing. Now, I totally want a British phone booth. I don't know why, but I think that would be fun. Can't you just see some big red phone booth in our entry way?

It would not be the first time we made a questionable purchase. We have this for Gigi...remember? (FYI: Not Gigi in the photo.)

She does not sleep in it yet. But one day, she might stay in it for more than 30 seconds. It was totally worth the ridiculous amount of money we paid for it. My cousin actually called it the Taj Majal. She was not that far off.

I need to by ironing. Instead, I am procrastinating. I don't think I really need to explain why do I?

Shock of shocks, I am not-so-patiently waiting for some books to be delivered from UPS. Don't even get me started on those bastards.

Shlomo is mad at me because I refer to and call Gigi "Monster." It was not really an issue for him until she started answering to it. He has no problem when I call the other dogs "monkeys" or "turtles" or "girly girls." Okay, they pretty much answer to anything. And, based on her teething, right now "Monster" is not entirely inaccurate. World's cutest monster. That's our Gigi.

Jon and Kate Plus Eight = People I do not care about. Remember when gossip was about real celebrities. Burt and Loni, come back.

Oh well, I guess I am off to watch another episode of HIMYM and possibly iron. Who am I kidding? I am going to watch the show and look for a phone booth on ebay.




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