Thursday, May 21, 2009

Insomnia, Reconciliation, and More

I cannot sleep. I don't know what my deal is. School is out. Summer school is yet to start. I am wide awake. Shlomo was out of town for the past few nights, so I blamed it on that. He is back. I am wide awake. I don't understand. I literally have no stress at the moment. What is wrong?

It's not like I have not taken steps. Believe me, tonight I took steps. I cut off the caffeine at 3:00 this afternoon. I had a martini at dinner. Shit, I just realized I had a cappuccino with dessert. I am so stupid. My stupid attempt to stay awake at Happy Days: A New Musical has come back to bite me in my considerable derriere. By the way, there was no need to even attempt to stay awake. It was not good. We left at intermission. We never leave at intermission. I decided life is too short—especially if there is a little apricot toy poodle bundle of joy angel with fur waiting for you at home.

On a brighter note, I can report that William Shakespeare and I have reconciled today. We broke up the day before the final in my Shakespeare class. I was over it. He and I were no longer friends. I knew going into the final that I was borderline A/B. I studied furiously, but accepted that it would wind up a B. Today, when grades came out, much to my surprise it went the other way. I still have no Bs on my transcript. Yay me. I am not sure how it happened, by the way. Yes, I knew I had a good essay answer. It should have been good. I wrote it the day before. I knew I got the fill in the blank part. You were supposed to answer 10 of 14 questions. I knew all 14. I answered all 14 to show him that I paid attention. I hoped he would take that into consideration after the quote identification. I suck at quote identification. I beyond suck. If you said it, don't expect me to identify it. If you paint it, I know it. If you sculpt it, I know it. If you have a character say it, it goes in one ear and out the other. But, I still might reread As You Like It this summer. Don't waste your time calling me nerd, or dweeb, or putz in the comments section. I already know. I embrace my nerdiness. Always have.

Well, I guess I will sign off. I might take a Benadryl. I might not. I don't have to get up for anything in the morning. Shlomo is off from work. Maybe a drug-induced coma in the middle of the night is not such a bad idea.

Oh, and I have an out-of-print reading recommendation. Before I suggest it, please keep in mind that I have just spent a semester immersed in the Victorian novel and the works of the Bard. However, I am currently loving Every Night, Josephine by the original doyenne of dish Jacqueline Susann. You can find copies on Amazon. It is the story of her adventures with her little beloved poodle, Josephine. With little Gigi now, I can totally relate. But, I don't think you even have to be a dog lover to love this book. It's a fun, easy beach read. All that is missing is the beach. You hear that Shlomo…beach. Hey, a guy can hint—especially if his birthday is coming up.


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