On a brighter note, I went to Target the other day and bought some school supplies. I might have overdone it a bit, but I learned a long time ago that when they have orange notebooks, you better stock up. I think I wound up with eight notebooks…and a thousand note cards…and highlighters…and a rubber band ball (cause it looked fun)…and some other accoutrements.
But, I will share that Shlomo and I are on the horns of a dilemma. He blames me. I blame him. This is how it started.
We went to the creepy (I am not lying…it is) bird store on Saturday to pick up some supplies for the finches. We got what we needed and actually bought a couple of finches to replace a couple that we had lost. It happens. Circle of Life. So glad Elton John explained that one to me.
So, we get home. We put the new birds in the aviary. All is well. We are talking about the birds at the store. Blah. Blah. Blah. Then, Shlomo says, “I wonder when we will break down and get a parrot.”
WWWWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT? Shut up. In 7th grade, I was obsessed with parrots. I always swore I would have one as a grown up. In many ways, I am still that awkward 12 year-old. Behind the row of finch cages at creepy bird store is a row of parrot cages. I had spent a large portion of our time there bonding with a little white-bellied caique. He/she looks like this.

So, now the debate is do we get him or not. On the one hand, I think it would be great. I have always been a bird lover. I think he is super cute. I have named him Gilda (red hair like Rita Hayworth in my favorite movie and it might be a girl the only way to know is a DNA test).
On the other hand, I realize what a pain a parrot can be. This is a quieter type, but I am sure there is still some squawking. They are messy. This I knew from the parakeets and cockatiels I had growing up and it has been reinforced by the finches.
But, I will have some time to devote to it and its socialization. It would be nice to get it while we are relatively young since they live 30 years. You read that right, people, 30 years. And, I just picture it sitting on its perch bobbing up and down as I blast “Play That Funky Music White Boy!”
We just don’t know what to do. This morning, before we fell asleep at 1:00 a.m., we had decided to do it. When we woke up, we both had second thoughts. Now, we have had second thoughts about the second thoughts. We already have a zoo. What is one more creature? And, did I mention that everywhere I turn today I see a parrot? In the newspaper, on the TV, everywhere. Oh yeah, and on all those caique sites I keep checking out.
I think it is important to not rush into a decision. It is a big commitment. We need to take it very seriously. I will let you know when Gilda comes home.
***************************U P D A T E *****************************
Zilla and I were leaving for lunch. We were going to Barnes and Noble after a quick stop at Petco and Petsmart to look at cages. I know. I am bad. We are driving out of the parking garage when my phone rang. It was Shlomo.
He was at the creepy bird store. He had held Gilda. He had picked out a cage for Gilda. He thought we were foolish to get Gilda. But, was there anyway that I could drive down to the creepy bird store to see Gilda and see the cage? It was then that I knew. She was ours.
Zilla made the sacrifice. She said she did not mind. I know the place gives here the heebie-geebies. We walk in the door and there is Shlomo with Gilda perched on his finger. I know that this is probably not a good analogy to use in a bird store, but he had a "cat that ate the canary" grin on his face.I held Gilda. I looked at the cage. We got food, toys, a playstand, all the necessities. Gilda comes to her new home this evening.
There is one problem, however. They had had the DNA testing done. Gilda is a boy. Now, we have to come up with a name for him. My list right now consists of: Loco (because we are), Tango, Tamale, Rio, Guapo, etc. If you have a suggestion, leave it in the comments section. Hopefully, we will have a name by nightfall.
1 comment:
When I was reading your list, I thought of Rico (I think because Loco + Rio = Rico). Also, I love the song Copacabana! But then again it also makes me think of the one-hit-wonder song Rico Suave (so you might not want to name him Rico). Who even sang that? All I remember is he had long hair and nice abs.
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