Monday, November 5, 2007

On the 6

Okay, on her blog, OM tagged me to list six things that you do not know about me or that are at least interesting. This is hard as I think I am kind of boring, but here goes...
  1. If you ask me my favorite book, I would say East of Eden by John Steinbeck because it is a book I love and it sounds like you have to be pretty smart to read it. Actual favorite book: Dazzle by Judith Krantz. What can I say? I love all that Hollywood glamour. I have probably read it 10 times. It made me want to be a celebrity photographer. Hell, I still want to be a celebrity photographer. I suck at taking pictures. Speaking of Ms. Krantz, I wish she would write another book. It's been a while.
  2. I have a huge fear of public nudity...not just my own...anyone's. I don't think I can really expand on that much further. Why can burkas not be fashionable for Jewish guys? Needless to say, I will not be going to see Naked Boys Singing when I am in NYC next month.
  3. My dog Lulu is named after the only doll I was allowed to have as a little boy. She was a hand-me-down from my female cousin who is 9 years older than I. She had no clothes, a mass of matted blonde hair, and only one eye closed. I loved her.
  4. I claim to love to cook. I actually love to cook. It's not a lie. Yet, I have not prepared a home-cooked meal in months. In fact, two burners on the stove do not even work. We have got to call a repair man...sometime in the next year or so.
  5. I ate red meat about a year ago. (I have not eaten it for about 12 years.) We were at a cocktail party...the drinks were strong, all the food had flour (which I could not eat at the time) except the tamales. I had to sober up before dinner, so I ate a couple. I am not proud of this. And, my stomach was messed up for days. Damn my lightweight drinking.
  6. I cannot stand Star Jones. However, I am oddly compelled to watch her and even went to her wedding website one time. One time? Who am I trying to kid? I had it bookmarked.

That's about it. I am supposed to tag blog buddies to do this. I really don't have blog buddies yet. I don't even know if I have six readers. If you feel compelled, post your six things in the comments section.


Tally said...

Even though being tagged for anything is annoying, it IS interesting to read other peoples'. Yours wasn't as potentially shocking as mine....mullet/tail. I think you've got more going on than you think. You can just email me some more trivia whenever you want....:) I agree about Star.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the drinking, at least you did not go order off of QVC - I will never forget that!!! I don't know why but I thought Lulu was named after a celebrity - now I know.

I hate that we have not talked since you returned - I am still waiting to hear anything and everything.