So last Saturday, when we got home from our trip to Alaska, Shlomo and I went to one of our favorite local restaurants for dinner. As I was getting in the car, I heard something hit the console between the two front seats. I looked on my cuff, one of the coral cabachons was missing.
I knew it was in the car. That was a good thing. I could not find it, however. That was a bad thing. I was devastated. Shlomo had to leave the next day for a business trip parking his car at the airport. I remained devastated. I convinced myself that I would never find it. Since they were vintage and perfectly matched, I knew that a repair would probably never be good enough. I knew it was a material possession and not incredibly important in the whole scheme of life, but it was frustrating beyond belief.
Then, yesterday (this Saturday), Shlomo had the idea that we would take his car to the dealership for them to look for it. He sweetly said he would have them pull out the seats if necessary. He knows how I obsess over such things. After all, he lived through the three-month obsession prior to the purchase of said cufflinks and presentation as the perfect 35th birthday present. (For those not in the know, coral is the traditional 35th anniversary gift. It was the 35th anniversary of my birth. This is the one and only time I will admit that. 22, people...I am 22.)
Okay, I digressed. Anyway, we get to the dealership. The attendant moved the passenger seat up and back. He then took it back to the service area. We went into the showroom. It was cool in there. Okay, it would have been cooler in the bowels of hell. It's roughly 100 degrees every day here. I don’t handle heat well. So, we walk (I might have sashayed) into the showroom. There we see this.

Shlomo and I had driven one on Martha's Vineyard last summer. We love the little smart car convertibles. They always seem so fun...if somewhat impractical. We joked about how fun it would be to tool around in it on the weekends. I could drive it to class. Ha. Ha. Wouldn't it be nice…
Moments later, I see them pull Shlomo's car around. We walked out. The attendant did his best Joey Tribianni fake-out and then handed us the coral cabachon. We smiled. I might have teared up a little. We tipped the guy. We then headed directly to a jeweler to have it reset and the settings checked on the other one and the studs.
Oh, as for the Smart car, we pick her up on Tuesday or Wednesday. We went back to the dealership after the jeweler and made a deal. That's right. I put more thought into a pair of socks every morning. I have decided we will call her "Coral." I know, I know…Smart Car, Dumb Driver. We are struggling to justify a third car, but let’s face it…Coral is not the first ridiculous purchase we have made…and she probably won’t be the last. Cufflinks + numerous outfits + Smart Car = Really Expensive Cufflinks.
Shlomo wants me to point out that Coral is a little over a year old and has 7500 miles on her. Shlomo has also expressed disbelief at my age being 22. I have spent enough on products for that lousy combination skin of mine, that 22 is what I can pass for. Shlomo's new address will be as follows:
The Doghouse
One Doghouse Lane
Dogpatch, AR